Monday, August 24, 2020

10 Years!

As an avid reader and fan of the blog you have of course realized that today is a very special day – 10 years ago I started this little blog!

I don’t really know what to say. The Tabletop Fix is just a part of my life now. On the average day, I love to check for news, I love to look at the cool new stuff and sometimes I get sad because I can’t buy it all J.

In the last 10 year, I got married, got a dog, changed jobs three times and moved 5 times in 2 different countries on pretty much opposite sides of teh globe. The Tabletop Fix was part of all of that.

Today, there are well over 56000 posts on the blog. Sometimes I wonder if there is a limit of how many blogger supports… If I would have gotten a dollar for each post, I still wouldn’t be able to pay off my mortgage, and that’s okay. I am proud of the fact that I offer this for free. That way, there is no pressure. I always said, if it stops being fun, I won’t keep doing it. But at the moment I can’t imagine why it would ever not be fun anymore. Maybe if the viewer count would go into single digits. Or the blogger service stops.

Anyway, at the very start I used to deep-link pictures, mainly because it was faster. I think this is actually the first picture to ever be posted here:

Well, thank you for being part of this. I know the vast majority of you are checking the blog on a regular base.
If you want to do me a favor, tell a friend about TTF, or maybe give me a shout-out somewhere if you can be bothered. It still feels like not that many people know about it!

Also, if you have a question you want to ask me, but it in the comments. I’ll try to answer them. No worries if you don’t, I won’t feel awkward if nobody does J.

So yeah, that’s it for today. To the next 10 years!


  1. Congratulations!!!!! Great Work!!! Keep going!! Cheers!!

  2. Congrats! I´ve been following your blog for about 8 years and is awesome, clear news for everything. Keep going!

  3. Thank you, this blog is an absolute referent

  4. My morning routine is pretty much "World News... Webcomics... TTFix..." Best source for news in the tabletop wargames world that there is. Super appreciative that it remains free and daily.

  5. third link I click every day.
    Email, facebook, TTfix
    Thanks for the great work!

  6. I'm a daily checker too. Well done & keep up the good work.

  7. Congratulations! Like so many, this site is a daily read and has co$t me a bloody fortune in impulse buys!

  8. Congratulations! Keep up the great work, it's really appreciated!!

  9. Congratulations and thank you for your work

  10. Your work is much appreciated, even though your audience may be silent most of the time. Thank you!

  11. Ive been reading Ttfix for years! It's almost a daily ritual for me a this point (if not multiple times a day!)

    Thank you so much!

  12. Thanks so much for your work. Love this blog!

  13. Fantastic site and achievement and I find it reassuring that you enjoy it so much. Obviously I owe you a huge debt of thanks for a free service that's the been the highlight of my morning with a coffee for so many years. But I think it's not just myself and the other readers who owe you so much thanks, it's the gaming industry as a whole...I don't even know how much money I've spent over the years on games you've unearthed for me :). Blog long and prosper :).

  14. You've been a big part of my day for years now, and have brought a lot of cool game systems and miniatures to my notice that otherwise would not have been. Thanks for all the good tabletop journalism. <3

  15. Thanks for a great service. It's part of my morning routine to check in here, along with having coffee and feeding my fat-ass cats. I don't know that I've pointed any new readers your way, but I have pointed this site out to a couple of miniature makers.

  16. Your site is my first click every morning. Thanks so much for this fantastic service. Congratulations on your anniversary! :)

  17. Thanks for the great work!

  18. Thanks as well, I am also checking this site daily! Thanks a lot!

  19. Thanks for all of the hard work that goes into the daily updates! I'm always there, checking it when my work emails drive me to push away from that computer!

  20. Thank you so much for all the effort you expend on this page. It is always a pleasure to come and visit.

  21. do you have an insta or Twitter for TTfix?

    1. I have a twitter account (@Tabletopfix), but I use it only passively. In the past I had a piece of software that woul post the news onto twitter for me, but that is no longer available.


    TTF, TX for the work,
    can you please accept the money pot and if so,
    please i'll get in contact with email so you can get the money and access to the leetchi an so ... best

  23. Thank you, Sir. Keep it up.

  24. Thanks for the blog. It's a keystone on the modeling hobby. May Ttfix live forever !

  25. Easily the most comprehensive miniature news site on the internet - the only thing I don't understand is why there aren't more reader comments on the news items!

  26. You're the only source of gaming/hobby news that I consume on the daily. Thanks so much for doing what you do!

  27. Happy Birthday! Many Thanks!

  28. Just learned about your Blog recently (through a post @Bell of Lost Souls that was based on your Blog), but I have it open in a tab of my mobile browser all the time now. Thanks for your effort & keep up the good work!

  29. Thanks a lot for your continuous blog activity! I also read it on a regular basis since quite a few years already. I even have a bit of a challenge to myself which is to get a news before you post it. Doesn't happen often, but when it does, I feel like a pro of the hobby ^^ Thanks for that too, it creates a real feeling of being part of the hobby. Long live TTF! ;)

  30. I just started reading a couple of months ago, but this has become a daily visit for me. I love to see all the shinies - even from the genres that I don't generally buy or print. 56,000 posts is some serious dedication - congrats!


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