Sunday, March 15, 2020

Secret Weapon Miniatures - Kickstarter Relaunch Announcement

Secret Weapon Miniatures is realigning their HD Bases Kickstarter:

As many of our pledgers know, we need to adjust the Kickstarter - On the positive, we have a good amount of backers and we know that MANY of you are waiting to up your pledges. We have had a really positive response to the product itself, and lots of interest on the customer and retail side. We deeply appreciate this and your support.
BUT - we have a good amount of backers who are opting to wait on their $1 pledge. This is entirely our fault. We caused this when we locked our core offering behind stretch goals. There is no single item that is core. ALL the options are core. We made it so that many of you had to wait around to buy what you already knew they wanted.
That's a big boo boo, but it was made with the best of intentions. The system was set up so that there was no mandatory amount, and you added what you wanted and nothing more. We thought that this was better for the customer, but it quickly became obvious the vast majority of backers want jump-in points at set amounts like a usual KS... and weren't entirely sure about a pledge manager that was open during the campaign.
So, what are we going to do to fix this for you?
We are going to close the campaign, and relaunch it next week. That sucks and it's embarrassing. But ultimately everything else that happens is great for EVERYONE, because this is what happens next:
1.) ALL themes will be shown and unlocked right off the bat. If you want Urban Streets or Infinity, you just go get it, no hoops or delays to choosing what you want. You also know exactly what is on offer.
2.) There will be pledge levels: $50(+), $100(+) and $200(+). The 100 dollar + level will include a set of 3 weathering pigments (really really good ones too - Burning Sands, Dark Earth, and Rust Orange), and the 200 dollar + level will be the pigment set, and a set of 3 genuinely awesome paints. Secret Weapon's Rubber Highlight, Rubber and Tire Black, our most popular colors! At the end of the campaign you will use the Pledge Manager, as usual, to make whatever specific choices you want based on your KS pledge. The Pledge Manger will be available during the campaign for those that would like help figuring out a total pledge level, but that is optional, and you can wait until the end of the campaign to sign up.
3.) Each of the $50(+), $100(+) and $200(+) pledge levels will have 3 shipping zone options
Americas, Europe (NOT UK)
AU, NZ, Asia, Pacific
United Kingdom (NOT Europe)
4.) Any extra themes that are developed during the course of the KS will be added immediately, no stretch, we just give you the option as soon as it is available.
There will be 17 themes live at the time of launch, which doesn't count the licensed product from Corvus Belli and CMON Zombicide.
Link: Announcement on facebook
Link: Secret Weapon Miniatures


  1. Good call. This is a unique product, as far as I can tell. Secret Weapon is an established but small business. Interest is huge. Kickstarter is the right place to launch what could become a headline product for them, and doing it right will make all the difference.

    1. Kickstarter is a way to raise fund to create the product. If they are able to do that already, why bother with Kickstarter?


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