Saturday, March 21, 2020

Public Service Announcement - Obligatory COVID-19 Message

Hello everybody,
Yes, these are stressful times and we all are affected in one way or the other by the current crisis.

Luckily, I am in a country that so far only has a very low number of cases, but we also know that this is likely just the early stage of what will develop in the same kind of crisis we see elsewhere. But at the moment, me and my family are good, we are prepared for isolation if needed, and until then we will carry on as normal as possible.

The last two weeks have been chaotic: We had travel plans falling apart within hours, work-related guidelines changing day by day and the high level of uncertainty took its toll. I have family in Europe, including some who are in the high risk age groups. So far, everybody is okay, but well, it is understandable that my mind was not necessarily focused on the Tabletop Fix.

I dropped the ball a bit, mainly on a backlog of emails and newsletters I didn't get posted. I will just throw out anything that is older than 4 days and not a personal message. For the foreseeable future, I will keep going with the daily updates. There may be issues with the internet bandwidth ahead, because it can be dodgy even without the additional stress of everybody being at home.

There will be a break in early April, I will announce it when it starts. Likely for about a week before Easter. We are obviously not going anywhere, but I feel like I need a couple of days with nothing planned.
I also may start to not post updates on one day a week (likely Tuesdays) to concentrate on other projects. Again, I'll let you know.

This crisis, and the economic downturn it causes, may have a lasting effect on our hobby. Already there are reports of drops in order volumes, and of course, people tend to not spend their money as freely in tough times. I don't think every company will make it through this, especially considering that the US, UK and Spain are on the top of the list of affected countries. I don't know if there is anything we can do about it. And there will be new companies filling the gaps. Well, if you are in a position to make a purchase, and you are considering some items from a small manufacturer, maybe now is the time to do it. But also, be responsible with your money - you can't eat plastic, and most miniatures are a horrible substitute for toilet paper.

Anyway, stay safe, take care of others, be kind, wash your hands.
That's all.


  1. Thanks for your hard work as always, and stay healthy!

  2. You've got zero reason to apologize for "falling behind" on you free and awesome webpage. Thanks for all the hours of fun and temptation, and all the bast with staying safe in this horrible time.

  3. I never commented here before, although I check the site every day for years now. Just to thank you for your work, and to wish you all the best.


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