Friday, April 27, 2018

The "Problem" With Getting a Fix

Sorry for a short (?) non-news interjection.

I just read a facebook discussion about how a company doesn't want to give out free support for reviews and events anymore because they don't think those request are justified.
Well, I don't do that anyway (except for give-aways, which maybe need to be re-introduced...). But there was one statement that caught me off guard.

The company said:
"[...] but who has less of 1000 followers on his youtube channel or a blog without answers/comments by members of a community is not an influencer."

The Fix does barely ever have any comments. Actually, the last one posted was #1000 (Congratulations!). That means there is about 1 comment on 40 posts and many of them are on service disruption announcements.

Nevertheless, I constantly rake up 150K+ page views per months (by the way guys, this is so freaking amazing! We came a long way!).

So, to somebody who doesn't know anything about the Fix it may look like this is the lonely "caller in the woods" who is doing a lot of work in vain, because the impact is not visible. But it is intentionally designed to come here for 2 minutes while waiting in line or having morning tea, and to get a quick fix of hobby news. I actually want you to click the links and go look at the amazing companies and maybe  buy something you may not have known about otherwise...

In the end, I know that the Fix is still a small fish. I know the page views of some other better known communities so I have no illusions. And that's fine. This is not a business. This is just me, throwing out semi-random news to a crowd of people who like it that way. 
But I also know that there are smaller companies and Kickstarters who took the time to thank me for my vital support, so I know that I do have an actual, measurable impact on things.

Anyway, I don't really know where I am going with this rant. I don't want to change anything, I am happy the way it is, but getting dismissed this way actually hurts a little bit.

I am not asking you for more comments. 
I don't want a bit of needy extra attention and you to tell me how awesome I am. 
I am not going to figure out a way to make the Fix more visible. 
I can see the numbers and I know you are loving it. Occasionally, I get an email from a reader thanking me for the effort and this is lways a big deal for me that makes my day.

So yeah, that's just me venting and now we go back to regular business :).


  1. Well I for one appreciate the work you do.

  2. I don't think I've ever commented before, but I've been a follower since the month(if not week) you started, and I'm annoyed someone would say something like that. Frankly, there are several companies I've found and ordered from via your posts. And sometimes that's when I'm reading the first few sentences from my reading list. Sigh. Industry types.

  3. Just because the Fix's style is more news feed and less chatty forum doesn't mean you're not having an impact - I've found and backed more than a few Kickstarter projects, and purchased from various smaller manufacturers, that I've first seen here. I regularly visit to see what's new and shiny, and appreciate the work you do, even if my wallet doesn't always agree. :)

  4. Thank you all, and yes, I know you appreciate what I do.

    It's more like that it annoys me that some people won't take a closer look before judging.

  5. Every morning I read your blog with my coffee, don't like tea, lol. It offers a great snapshot of what's happening and you do a great job of keeping up to date,on things. many days it's all I read that is hobby related.

    Keep up the,good work mate.

    Steve Stodden
    Mad Robot Miniatures

  6. Actually, and for years now, you've been my main source of information about tabletop miniatures & games. There's a lot I wouldn't have found out about otherwise. Your post are short & to the point. I like that. As for the comments/discussions on sites like BOLS, I never bother with them, it's a waste of time.

  7. Love the site. Quick and to the point. I have found a ton of stuff through here I never would have found otherwise.

  8. Yours is the only site that I bother going to for news about minis. There are no intrusive adverts, you update frequently and there’s no vitriolic comments. I think that the lack of comments is a positive thing - on so many sites where news and rumours are pedalled, there’s always somebody willing to chip in their opinion - who cares?
    Please keep doing what you do - I don’t know where I’d get my news from if this wonderful site didn’t exist.

  9. I really enjoy your site, and popping in here is a daily pleasure. I'm sure that is this platform had a like button, you'd be drowning in likes. You certainly "influence" me; much to the detriment of my wallet and storage space.

  10. Keep up the great work, it’s really appreciated. Not a day go’s by when I don’t check in for my fix of table top news and you’ve brought many an awesome project or product to my attention that would have otherwise passed me by, had it not been for your sterling work. I love the format you’ve created, and long may it continue.

  11. Well, you're going to get some comments now - here's one ;)

    Seriously, I visit TTFix every day. I can't remember the last time I didn't check in, and it's my favourite source of news. Mainly because there's no flashy ads, and the links go to the source, and you cover smaller companies that other blogs and news pages overlook. So... I'd be perfectly happy if you didn't change anything. It's great!

  12. I love your site and check it at least once a day! Thanks again for the effort you put in every day for the hobby!

  13. One of the 3 sites I look at every day :) I appreciate the format hugely.

  14. keep up the good work....i like table top fix i visit every day to see what's new in our hobby

  15. TTF is exactly what I want it to be. And has in the past caused me to spend thousands.

  16. Your site works exactly like, I like it.

    Short, sweet and too the point.

  17. I'm a little late to the party, but here's another message of deep appreciation.

    I read your blog every Saturday over a mug of coffee.

    It's a weekly ritual I always look forward to.

    Please keep up the fantastic work.

    You do the hobby, the fans, and the manufacturers an incredible service.

  18. love the site since i randomly stumbled upon it . i tell all my club friends . so much content i cant find anywhere else.

  19. Most new game and new model information I get from TTFIX, and I definitely think smaller games companies who don't produce blogs and pictures in ways that make them accessible for blogs like yours are missing a trick.

  20. Actually this site is one of my top 3 favourites that I check everyday, multiple times. I actually come here BECAUSE of the lack of commentary, and 'hype', and 'personalities'... It's just straight up pics for our perusal - if I like what I see I click it - no fuss, no muss. Between this page and GW Community page I think all my interests are covered - and I appreciate it. Thanks TTF.

  21. I'm also going to comment here - for the first time in the many years I've followed this blog.

    I come here daily, and I love the setup you have. Any companies should be happy to be features here.

    Keep up the good work, and thanks.

  22. I'll take the time to comment on this. Everything you said is absolutely true. The Fix is one of the most complete and exhaustive news sources for miniatures and tabletop I have ever seen. I really don't know how you aggregate it all. I have seen things here I've never heard of on other news sites. It has led me to back several Kickstarters I would have missed as well as discover companies I never would have heard of.

    On top of all that, you have helped me get viability on my own Kickstarters. Something I can never thank you enough for.

    Love the Fix!!! Keep it up!

  23. You may not want to hear that you are awesome but I am going to tell you anyway: you're awesome.

    TTFIX is a must-read for me every day and has led me to MANY purchases. Keep up the great work.


We won't tolerate any insults, advertisement or price discussions. Keep it civilized and nice.