Thursday, November 2, 2017

Victrix - Release Schedule

Victrix announced a new release schedule:

The 2017/2018 release schedule is as follows:
VXA029 Ancient War Elephants Nov 2017
VXA030 Gallic Warriors Jan 2018
VXA031 Gallic Naked Fanatics Jan 2018
VXA032 Gallic Cavalry TBC
VXA033 Greek Light Cavalry TBC
VXA034 Early Imperial Roman Cavalry and mounted generals TBC
All the above are 100% digitally designed and are either at the tooling process or waiting to be tooled.
The following sets are either at the design stage or awaiting a design brief:
Republican Roman Cavalry
Celtic War Chariot plus armoured warriors & personality figures
EIR war machines and archers
2/3 sets of ancient cavalry, details to follow
3/4 sets of Dark Age Warriors, details to be announced later
2 sets of 28mm WWII, details to follow
2 new Napoleonic sets, details to follow
Obviously we will make changes if the market dictates but at present this our chosen path. Please do not ask for release dates, we will publish these as and when we get a clearer view on the design and tooling schedule.
Link: Victrix

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