Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Gamecraft Miniatures - New Figure Holder

Gamecraft Miniatures offers a new figure holder:

Link: Gamecraft Miniatures


  1. Wow. The Hobby Holder KS just ended and these guys are jumping on the bandwagon with a cheap MDF laser cut knock off. Classy.

  2. There are actually a few mdf holder designs out there. Don't know why you'd think Hobby Holder had an original idea. Rathcore had a KS before them.

    1. Probably because I hadn't seen one before and the Hobby Holder KS had just ended so it was fresh in my mind.

  3. There are a few around. I saw one earlier on an archive website for digital sculpts. So the idea has been around but frankly the Kickstarter guy took it and ran a mile with it. The idea was the basis of his much revamped one. I'm happily a supporter of the kickstarter.


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