Friday, January 6, 2017

Kingdom Death - Kickstarter Ending Soon

The Kingdom Death 1.5 Kickstarter campaign is einding soon:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Kingdom Death


  1. Wow, talk about long posts... perhaps a single graphic and a link would have sufficed?

  2. Since you are providing links, you probably don't need to include every single image in the post - holy crap-balls!

  3. I am pretty sure there is a picture of every single model or proposed model for almost every post on here why would it be any different for this one?

  4. Okay, I did that on purpose to document the madness - it's 95 pictures :)

  5. Shame the delivery to the UK is 15 dollars, I wouldn't have minded picking up a few of the expansion models just to paint. I was a backer for the last kickstarter, 3 years down the line I'd lost total interest in the game and sold the lot bar a handful of minis that were fun little side projects to paint up. Recommended for that alone, they really are lovely figs.

  6. Enough with Kingdom Death already. Not interested!

  7. 19,264 other people obviously are. Can't decide how I feel about that.


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