Friday, August 5, 2016

Code Orange Games - Collision Contest

Code Orange Games announced a new contest for their upcoming game Collsion:

A war is coming between the Reclaimers and the Unwanted.
It is time for you to pick a side!
Participate in our Facebook competition and win a free model
All you have to do is:
- Like our Facebook page Code Orange Games.
- Share this post.
- Like this post.
- Reply on this original post which side you choose and why. (Make sure you don't reply in a shared post.)
We give away prizes to:
- The best/most original reply for the Reclaimers, wins a Collector model with an assault rifle.
- The best/most original reply for the Unwanted, wins a Brawler model with an assault rifle.
Bonus prize:
Best gang recruiter. Tag the most friends to join your gang and win a corresponding model. (Make sure you only tag friends who are potentially interested in Collision.)
The competition closes Tuesday October 9th at the end of the day.
Link: Announcement on facebook
Link: Code Orange Games

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