Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Warlord Games - Battle for Xilos Previews

Warlord Games published new details about their Battle for Xilos online campaign for Beyond teh Gates of Antares:

The campaign consists of 6 episodes that tell the story of the events on the Builder planet of Xilos. You can take part by playing battles and logging the results on the campaign website. For each battle you choose which episode you want your battle to count for. The episodes will be unlocked week by week, so initially all the action will be focussed on Episode 1 as the forces make their landing on the planet. As the other episodes are opened up you will have more and more choice… Any army can post battles in any episode, using any scenario you wish. Of course if you have the supplement you can use the detailed narrative scenarios provided there, and there are Episode Briefing PDF downloads which give you background, more scenario ideas and explain your strategic objectives
Link: Warlord Games

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