Monday, June 6, 2016

Break! Dark Energies Tabletop Gaming - Zombieverse Cardgame Announcement

Dark Energies Tabletop Gaming announced the Zombieverse cardgame:

Zombieverse is a multi-player deck building card game that features over 300 cards in the initial release. With an addition 6 "themed" future releases.
Each release will work together so you can add new cards to your deck ongoing.
There will be four pre-built Zombie survivor decks initially and they will take on the Zombieverse and try to stay alive! Outsmart and outplay your opponent and raid their locations, sick vile Zombies on them, unleash traps and take over their camps all the while battling Zombiez . Along with the four pre-built Character decks there will also be booster card packs available for added variety including new characters, equipment and weapons. There will also be some real nasty Zombiez and Zombie situations in the booster packs to help protect your camp and zombiefoul your opponents.
But beware, there is a card for everything and anything......
Link: Dark Energies Tabletop Gaming

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