Wednesday, March 2, 2016

World of Twilight - Kickstarter Announceemnt

World of Twilight announced a nupcoming Kickstarter campaign:

Last night I announced the upcoming Kickstarter (starting on 16 March), so it's about time I started giving you a sneak peak at some of the planned models!
One of the first sculpts I did for the new force was a second scout so it seems only right that he is the first figure to emerge, showing off his fancy bow and bold war paint.
The first Casanii scout was formally introduced in the Chronicles of Anyaral as a bodyguard for Gil during his travels (although the scout had been skulking around for a while before then). People did seem to quite like the tall bow-carrying Casanii and he has proved to be a strong visual reference point for the whole Casanii culture.
Joe Karame once again takes full credit for the excellent paintjob, although he has been cursing me for requesting war paint on all the Casanii...
Link: Pictures on facebook
Link: World of Twilight

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