Saturday, February 20, 2016

Megacon Games - MERCS Recon Release

MERCS Recon Counter Threat and Assassination Protocol are now available from Megacon Games:

Link: Megacon Games


  1. I quite like the look of this. Anyone got any close-up pics of the minis?

    1. No.. but as a backer who has the minis.. it's very hit or miss. The guns are bad. Very bad. A lot of detail is really soft or melted looking. The plastic is very rigid like the plastic pieces for Sorry or Trouble or whatever.
      So far this has been the most disappointing Kickstarter I've ever backed (out of maybe 2 dozen+)
      Check the comments section on the Kickstarter. There are numerous issues. If you ARE going to buy it, I highly suggest you wait a while before doing so. They have told us backers that they're exploring options to fix the shortcomings.


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