Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Caliver Books - Winter of '79 Release

The Winter of '79 rules are anow available from Caliver Books:

These rules represent an alternative history of the late 70s and early 80s. In this vision, the 'Establishment' take control of the legitimate government and the subsequent 'crackdown' is faced with spontaneous popular resistance led by trade union, liberal and left-wing elements, which boils over into civil war.
What did happen, what could have happened, what would have happened, doesn't matter at all. Not a jot. Living On The Frontline: Winter of '79 provides you with the context and motivation for fighting games based upon a premise of DPM vs Donkey Jacket, SLR vs Armalite, Brit against Brit, in the late seventies and early eighties.
Link: Caliver Books

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