Saturday, December 12, 2015

Public Service Announcement - Irregular Updates

Hello everybody,
I have a new job that involves me working shifts, and therefore I cannot stick to my ususal schedule for the Fix.
Time and volume of updates will differ for the rest of the year, but I'll make sure there are new posts at least once a day.



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. It's good to earn some money again (especially with such an expensive hobby ;) )

  2. Yeah, congrats on your new job! Don't get into trouble posting updates! :P

    Grateful as always for your hard work, cheers!

  3. congrats on the new job.

    just echoing what the others have posted and what others are probably thinking...thank you for your tireless devotion to this site to keep us up to date with the latest and greatest.

  4. congrats on the new job.

    just echoing what the others have posted and what others are probably thinking...thank you for your tireless devotion to this site to keep us up to date with the latest and greatest.


We won't tolerate any insults, advertisement or price discussions. Keep it civilized and nice.