Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Plastic Soldier Company - New15mm Releases

The Plastic Soldier Company released new 15mm sets:

Model No PSCAB15001- Late War German Panzer Army.
Consisting of:
6 x Panzer IV's
4 x Panthers
4 x SdKfz 251/D Halftracks
2 x Tiger I's
47 x Panzergrenadiers, including 3 xLMG teams, command,
panzerfausts and panzerschrecks
1 x Mixed base sprue
1 x Generic decal sheet with Balkankreuz and assorted turret numbers


Model No PSCAB15002-Late War British Armoured Division.
Consisting of-
11 x Sherman M4A4’s
3 x Sherman Fireflies
4 x M5 Halftracks
34 x Infantry figures, including :-
3 x Bren teams and command
1 x Piat Team
1 x 2inch Light mortar team
1 x Mixed base sprue

Model No PSCAB15003- US Tank Company 1944.
Consisting of-
7x Sherman M4A1’s
5x Sherman M4A1 76mm wet
3x Stuart M5A1’s
5x M3 Halftracks
29x riflemen
4x M1919 MG teams
4x M1917 MG teams
4x M2 HMG teams
4x Bazooka teams
4x 80mm mortar teams
4x 120mm mortar teams
2x mixed base sprues

Model No PSCAB15004-Mid/Late War Russian Tank Battalion.
21x T34/76’s or 85’s
5x T70’s
Generic decal set with stars, guards, slogans and turret numbers.

Model No PSCAB15005-Mid/Late War Russian Strelkovy Rifle Battalion.
208x riflemen, including 32x LMG teams and command
6x Maxim MG teams
6x 82mm mortars with crew
6x 50mm mortars with crew
6x 120mm mortars with crew
12x PTRD anti-tank rifle teams
4x 45mm anti-tank guns
8x Zis 3 field guns
60x gun crew
A total of 358 figures and 12x artillery models

New From PSC:
15mm German Fallschirmjager Heavy Weapons box set. This set includes:-
4x80mm Mortars with crews
4x 120mm Mortars with crews
4x MG42 Tripods with crews
4x Flamethrowers
4x 75mm LG42 Recoiless rifles with crews
4x 2 man combat engineer teams with teller mines
4x 3 man anti-tank gun crews PRODUCT CODE:WW2015014
Link: The Plastic Soldier Company

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