Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Harebrained Schemes LLC - Golem Arcana Rebalance

Harebrained Schemes LLC announced major changes to Golem Arcana:

With Golem Arcana being one year into its existence – and with the addition of 100s of game elements and a ton of new and updated game data, we have decided to take all we have learned and use the remainder of the year to review it all in order to create a tighter, more fun, more competitive, and better balanced game.
We are calling it the Golem Arcana Rebalance and I want to let you in on what we are planning, what the goals are and what your role in the process will be.
Starting this week-end and going through Block 2 of the Conquest of Eretsu League Play event you will see that all the Army Point Value (APV) of the Golems have been adjusted (and some Relics, see below)
Link: Golem Arcana

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