Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Privateer Press - New Releases

Nerw miniatures for Warmachine and Hordes are now available from Privateer Press:

Link: Privateer Press


  1. The way Privateer keeps "rereleasing" old figures it comes off almost as if the purpose behind it is to put their old figures back in front of eyes, exploiting blogs like TTFIX and its readers. I think that warpwolf is 7 or more years old. Personally, I don't think the rereleases are newsworthy, but I'd at least like to see them called on it and called rereleases rather than releases, because they are not new releases, that is categorically false. Just my 2 cents!

    1. Hello, thank you for your comment.
      I don't play Warmachine or Hordes and therefore rely on the companies website to find news. Are these just re-releases or is there at least a chnage in material or something like that?

      Sadly, I don't really know how to avoid this in the future. Honestly, I can't do the research because it would take up too much of my time. Sorry.


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