Thursday, September 24, 2015

Ramshackle Games - Water Seller Competition

Ramshackle Games announced a new give-away:

It's competition time! I made a model of a post-apoc water seller to show off some of the awesome vehicles you can make with Ramshackle Games parts. I’m giving the model away to a good home.
To win this model please send me a 300 word story. The story has to be set in the world of Nuclear Renaissance. You can find some descriptions of the world on our web site, here:
You can also download the game rules for free here:
The rules have more stories and background text.
Other than that the rules are pretty loose, and can run to more than 300 words if you want. Please include your name (or nickname) with the story, and submit it as email text or as an attached txt, rtf, word, pdf or other common format of text file.
The closing date for the competition is October the 10th.

Please submit your story to me at After this I will choose the story I like the best.I will send the model at my expense to the winner. My decision will be final.

Submitted stories become property of Ramshackle Games and I reserve the right to publish them as I see fit. This said, I will probably publish the best selection on the facebook page for Ramshackle Games!
Link: Ramshackle Games

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