Thursday, June 12, 2014

Vesper-On Games - Return of Carnevale

Vesper-On Games announced a new incarnation of Carnevale:

So we are here to give you a couple of clues about what concerns us at present. We just ordered the Miniatures for the Starter sets of the two new factions which we announced in our last Kickstarter... for the next Kickstarter!
We read all feedback we received about our latest campaign, and designed the new one with your help. We will dedicate this summer to put everything in order with the idea of re-launching the new campaign in autumn.
We do our utmost to get the message to as many people as possible, and we will be uploading content gradually in the coming months.
Link: Announcement on facebook
Link: Vesper-On Games 


  1. Excellent news! Carnevale didn't get the traction it deserved, first time around, for all sorts of reasons. Great to see it return!

  2. I love the style of their miniatures, but the competition in the skirmish segment is stiff.


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