Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tehnolog - Chemical Plant Release

The Tehnolog Chemical Plant is fully funded:

Chemical plant project successfully founded!
All international buyers, who already made a payment, will receive their items soon. International buyers can order items until 30 february. To make order please contact 
Link: Tehnolog 


  1. Wait, wasn't this thing an existing kit? Why are they funding an existing model?

  2. I think they bought the moulds and collected money for a production run through pre-orders.

  3. It was an existing kit, I still have two in my workshop! As a whole model they are, meh. But this kit really shines when you part it out as detail bits for other models.

  4. The company that owned the kit (which had, I think, changed hands at least twice before) went out of business and the new owners wanted to raise money to put the kit back into production.


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