Monday, October 7, 2013

Baker Company - Winter War Kickstarter Ending Soon!

There are just a couple of hours left to join the Winter War Kickstarter:

Stretch Goal 25: £42,000 - UNLOCKED!
"The Terror of Morocco". Finnish hero Aarne Edward Juutilainen. 
Stretch Goal 26: £44,000 - UNLOCKED!
KhT-130 Flamethrower. T-26 Variant.

Stretch Goal 27: £46,000 - UNLOCKED!
Finnish Colonel Mannerheim - the great Finnish hero.

Stretch Goal 28: £48,000 - UNLOCKED!
B-20 Armoured Car. Complete new vehicle.

Stretch Goal 29: £50,000 - UNLOCKED!
Vickers-Armstrong 6 ton tank - complete new vehicle.

Stretch Goal 30: £53,000
Red Army Hero Commander Shmagrin.

Stretch Goal 31: £54,000
Komsomolets - complete new vehicle. Perfect for pulling your artillery, AT gun or field kitchen. Will come with crew and passengers for either army.

Stretch Goal 32: £56,000
Finnish Bofors Anti Tank Gun - new gun. Comes with AT gun crew from the 45mm AT gun, Winter or Summer uniform.

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Baker Company

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