Thursday, April 4, 2013

Gripping Beast - New SAGA Announcements

Gripping Beasts announced Varjazi & Basileus, a new supplement for SAGA:

Varjazi & Basileus is a full colour mini supplement for the SAGA rules and is the last one to cover the factions of the Viking Age.
Contained within are all the rules and background for three new factions, one of which, the Byzantines, has already been the subject of a article in a sold-out issue of Wargames Illustrated. The other two are the Pagan Rus and their successors, the Era of The Princes Rus.
Also included are a new Swords For Hire unit, the dreaded Steppe Nomads, who can be in the pay of all three of these factions, and a new Hero Of The Viking Age for the Byzantines, Harald Hardradda, Captain Of The Varangian Guard.

Additionally, they announced pre-releases for SALUTE 2013:


Link: Gripping Beast

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