Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Maelstrom Games - New Sword-Melusines

Maelstrom Games announced two new Sword-Melusines:


Link: BaneLegion


  1. Sigh, I can't believe that Bane Legions have not seen the amount of flack the last few Sword-Melusines got in all the forums.

    I'm not sure I've seen anyone who has said I really want them ^.^, almost every comment started with "They are really good sculpts but..." Combine that with the fact there seems to be a big Whoo Haaa with sexism in wargaming at the moment and sigh.

    Granted these two have had their breasts reduced so that they are a little more in proportion, but it's all still a little unnecessary.

    And I have no idea why the Gigh things are holding their selves open ????

    As per normal, I personally don't like them but they are Great sculpts and have amazing detail.
    I would never buy them and if I did( I will not )they would never find their way to a games table because I would be embarrassed by them.

  2. To be fair, I guess those were done before the last Melusine was released. And changing the style of a complete faction halfway through is not recommendable either.

    I think we have to keep in mind the Heavy Metal influence and that Maelstrom is a european (and british) company. Well, anyway, they are excellent sculpts and I guess they will sell. And luckily they are even sculpt in a way that they can be converted into an "almost safe for work" version without too much effort.

  3. I think the fact that they have the girls wearing items that push up areas, gives them a perverted look. If they are wild women why do they have modern undies effects that give them the dirty...lol... look?

    I am sculpting an entire faction of 15MM Amazons for my Tomorrow Black setting, that will be "dressed" in scant cloth...the difference being that mine are not going to look like whores, mine are going to look like warm weather Indians. Think "Dances with Wolves" and "Avatar".

    The reason these models are getting eye-rolls is because they are obviously designed as Fan-Service...Oops.


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