Thursday, October 13, 2011


And here we are, at post number 4000!

A lot of people send in what they would do with their new BaneLegion Miniature from Maelstrom Games, and most of you want to use it as an awesome centerpiece for an existing army.

And then, there are the others:
"If I won a Bane-Legion model, I'd use it to annoy my friends at every opportunity, as my army would be automatically cooler than theirs."

"I would choose Keirioc-Cró, and i would paint it freakingly awesome so I can take it to my frontyard to keep the mailman (and the bills) away! "

"I would select the most sinister, violently twisted beast possible, like Conjunct XIII or The Terror of Fortriu.
Then it takes it's rightful place in my office, seated on my desk glaring directly out the window to dissuade co-workers from interrupting me with silly requests.
"Oh, you need that faxed out immediately? BRAARRRGH!"
"Slides prepared for urgent meeting with the boss? GRRAARGHLLARGH!"
"Hopping out for Lunch? RAAA...oh wait. No I believe I would fancy a sandwich. Okay, let's go." "

"I'd choose Galagaak, the terrifying 'Ox-Gore of the Darkwald'. I'd like to enter him into a bull fight at Madrid's 'Plaza de Toros', and see the look on the matador's faces as they realise the tides have finally turned.... "

"If i won a banelegion mini i would sleep with it, marry it, carry its babies..... "

Okay, but I guess you are here to hear who of you is the lucky one. Well it is...

Alex Cauldwell

And he wrote:
"I'm pretty sure that if I were to keep it, it would end up in a box somewhere and never get finished. So I would offer it up as a prize for one of my local tournaments. Hopefully that would drum up some more interest in something other than Warhammer."

Sounds like an excellent idea! 

Thanks everyone for participating, it was inspoiring to read the many uses for these impressing miniatures you thought up (my personal favorite is "Put Perdita on Conjunct XIII and field my Avatar of Revelations!").

And of course a very special thanks to Maelstrom Games for sponsoring this give-away!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on hitting 4000. That is an amazing number. Keep up the good work, I check here often to see what models are being released.


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