Friday, June 20, 2014

Rangers Project - New 15mm Infantry Preview

Rangers Project presents new pictures of the 15mm infantry form the Salamander Mech Kickstarter:

Link: Pictures on Kickstarter
Link: Rangers Project



    What did you use to Sculpt or Model? ZBrush?

    I have found a program called Silo, which combines the modeling tools of Maya/Rhino/3ds Max/Softimage with the Sculpting tools of Mudbox. It is very inexpensive, and beginning to be noticed as a bare-bones entry-level app.

    It is great for producing 3D prints, as well (it has some tools specifically for such, like Rhino).

    I am working on my own Sci-Fi stuff (mostly vehicles) inspired by a combination of different anime (Mostly Ghost in the Shell: SAC).

    1. Hello, those aren't mine, I am just talking about them. They have been sculpted by Chris Gotcher, just follow the links to learn more about his project.


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