Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Fusion Core Studios - New Heavy Gear Dreadnoughts Preview

Fusion Core Studios published a new preview of Heavy Gear Dreadnoughts:

The prototype miniatures from Shapeways are here, and we need to get them assembled and painted up. These miniatures were modeled in Maya from our original concept art for demo and proof-of-concept purposes. They'll need to be redone from scratch in Solidworks for injection molding, using Kickstarter funds; at that point, we'll add more fine detail and make adjustments (for example, we've realized that the in-scale turrets are reeeaaallllly teensy, and probably need to be slightly enlarged for a more "heroic" look). We've learned a lot from the protos, though, and will probably keep working on the Maya models for a little while to firm up design changes before switching over to a molding engineer.
Link: Picture on facebook
Link: Fusion Core Studios

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