Thursday, May 5, 2016

Break! Corvus Belli - Infinity Manga Announcement

Corvus Belli announced an Infinity Manga:

Link: Infinity


  1. Can it be called a manga if it's not being drawn and written in Japan? Isn't it just a comic?

  2. Manga is more the Japanese style it's drawn in. And it should also read right from left.

  3. Making it read right to left if it's written left to right doesn't make it a manga.

    It's a comic. But manga implies an art style and aesthetic that was popularized in, but isn't exclusive to, Japan. As it happens, other than the classic BESM of the woman, I'm not sure this looks like the manga that inspired Infinity (GITS, Appleseed) from these pages. Still, of the story is strong enough, I'm open-minded on the question of the art.


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