Monday, October 12, 2015

Ninja Division - New Super Dungeon Legends Preview

Nuinja Division published an article about the Guilds in Super Dungeon Legends:

In Super Dungeon Legends, Heroes can purchase a Guild License from the crown and establish their own Guild of Heroes. Guilds allow each player within the party to have up to three Heroes, which they can chose from for each adventure, while allowing all the Heroes of the guild to advance. A party may share items and treasure gained in adventures across all of the Heroes within their guild. Heroes that are in the guild, but which did not participate in an adventure gain crystals to purchase new abilities and skills, albeit at a reduced pace than the Heroes who participated in the adventure. Switching between Heroes is done in downtime, between adventures.
Each player may only have three Heroes in the party’s guild. If a player wishes to add another Hero, and already has three Heroes, the player must dismiss one of their Heroes that are currently in the guild.
Link: Ninja Division

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