Friday, May 9, 2014

Victrix - Limited Ancient Greek Army Deal

Victrix offers a limited Ancient Greek army deal:

This May Victrix are really pleased to bring you a fantastic new Greek army deal. Running from 10th May to 30th May we are offering you the following:
1 x box of our NEW 'Greek unarmoured hoplites and archers'
1 x box of our NEW 'Greek peltasts, javelin men and slingers'
1 x box of Greek armoured hoplites (you specify whether you want Athenians, Spartans, Thebans or Mercenaries).
2 x FREE archer frames (4 extra archer figures)
2 x FREE slinger frames (4 extra slinger figures)
3 x Peltast shield transfer sheets
6 x Hoplite shield transfer sheets
Link: Victrix

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