Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hyacinth Games- Drifters Box Set Deal

Hyacinth Games offers a special deal for the Wreck Age Drifter Box Set:

To make room for the incoming Drifter Box Sets we need to clear out some space in our store room. We found a bunch of the Adepticon 2013 Exclusive Drifter box art that needs to go. This box set contains the exact same models as the incoming Drifter Boxes, but features temporary box art that had no models displayed, and interim Stat Cards that used model silhouettes for some of the models instead of actual photos. None of these things impair the function of the models or cards, it is strictly an aesthetic difference. Still, we can’t keep around boxes that say “Adepticon Exclusive” so we are offering those up for those on a budget, or you can elect to take an Adepticon Exclusive box set instead of the standard as your KS Reward. You can order the Adepticon Exclusive Drifter Box Sets here:
Link: Wreck Age 

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