Friday, May 3, 2013

Two Hour Wargames - All Things Zombie Indiegogo Campaign

Two Hour Wargames launched an Indiegogo campaign for All Things Zombie Final Fade Out Minis & More:

Two Hour Wargames creates entertaining games playable in two hours or less. None has been more popular than All Things Zombie, the Origins Award winning Miniatures Game of 2006.
With the great reception for Final Fade Out, the final edition of ATZ, currently in use and released last year, we’re ready to offer the complete zombie experience, starting with a line of 15mm figures. Already play in 28mm? No worries, checkout the $40 Perk!
Sculpted by Rod Campbell of Highlander Studios, the range will include a variety of humans; Survivors, Police, Gang Members, Civilians and more. The range covers all the character types found in ATZ. In addition we will have a zombie counterpart for each human, for those times when things don't go quite as planned!
Added to this are two decks of cards. The first is a City Deck. The City Deck provides a complete urban area to adventure in. Lay out fewer cards and you have a suburban area to play in. Lay out even less cards and you have a rural area. One deck covers all three locales used in ATZ.
Link: Campaign on Indiegogo
Link: Two Hour Wargames 

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