Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fantasy Flight Games - DUST Tactics Operation Hades

Fantasy Flight Games announced a new expansion for DUST Tactics:

Operation “Hades” introduces new rules for underground fighting, as well as rules more specifically designated for scenarios fought in Zverograd’s sewers and metro.
During underground combat, troops must cope with dim lighting and confined quarters. There is very little light beneath the city of Zverograd. Units can hear enemies coming,
but they are hard to make out in the darkness. As a result, it’s not uncommon for soldiers in such tense conditions to fire blindly into the shadows ahead of them when they hear enemies approaching. The darkness of the underground grants a unit increasing levels of cover the farther it is from an attacking unit, and units cannot target foes with four or more spaces between them.

Operation “Hades” comes with six pre-built scenarios that thrust you squarely into the tense action of underground fighting. However, the possibilities are all but endless when it comes to the scenarios that can be generated within the besieged city of Zverograd.
Going beyond the basic scenarios, Operation “Hades” provides you a wealth of information, which you can use to create your own custom scenarios. You can learn about the city’s layout from a poster, map, and pages of detailed information on a number of key locations. Meanwhile, key objectives are scattered throughout the city, each with its own special properties and tactical advantages, and many are linked to each other by Zverograd’s metro tunnels and sewer lines, creating unique combat situations both above and below ground.
Link: To the article
Link: Fantasy Flight Games

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