Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Hyacinth Games - Wreck Age Kickstarter Update

Another update from Hyacinth Games concerning their Kickstarter campaign:

We're announcing another potential limited Kickstarter mini set. If we reach our new goal of $10,000 by December 29th, anyone who is already receiving minis at the $25 or over pledge level will also receive these two minis on top of anything else that they're already getting. This includes anyone making a pledge from here on in as well.

Most Stitchmen have at some point taken the Hippocratic oath, which they have bent to the point of breaking after hundreds of years of solitude tempered with healthy doses of paranoia. However, there is one area where they hold fast to their original core values; at NO time shall non-human and human DNA be mixed. This was established early on in the gene therapy industry, as a way of preventing diseases from crossing over from the animal kingdom to the human population, as a way of stemming the very real potential of a pandemic being inadvertently created.
Doctor Moreau, as he calls himself (no one left alive remembers his original name) has completely foregone this basic tenant of the Stitchmen oath, and purposefully blends both animal DNA with his own, as well as human DNA with other animals. His only companion is his dog Montgomery, as most hunters and orderlies avoid him, due to his outlandish practices. That's saying something coming from a group that regularly kidnaps people to harvest their organs.
Sculpting will be done by Mohamed "Mohand" Aitmehdi, who has done work for for Studio McVey, Privateer Press, and Maelstrom Games.

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter 
Link: Wreck Age

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