Thursday, April 30, 2020

Mortian - Medium Flak Tank Preview

Mortian published pictures of the Medium Flak Tank:

Link: Pictures on facebook
Link: Mortian

MOM Miniatures - Kickstarter Ending Soon

MOM Miniatures' current Kickstarter campaign is ending soon:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: MOM Miniatures

Crucible Crush - New Releases

Crucible Crush released the Children of Hastur and a limited edition nurse:

Link: Crucible Crush

Jamie Kirkpatrick - Kikckstarter Ending Soon

The Dark Skies Kickstarter is ending soon:

DARK SKIES the fight for air supremacy is a solitaire game were you take control of a Messerschmitt bf 109 in the summer of 1940. The aim of the game is to reach the last sector on the game board, each sector presents challenges and enemy fighters to deal with. To move to a new sector the player will need a certain amount of morale points these are obtained by destroying enemy fighters etc, the players aircraft will take damage during a mission and the pilot will be wounded the player will have to make decisions to try and deal with what is happening during a mission.
Link: Campaign on Kickstarter

Privateer Press - New MiniCrate Offer

Privateer Press announced a new MiniCrate offer:

Link: MiniCrate

Neil Billings - Neptune MK 9 Spacecraft Kickstarter

Neil Billings launched the Kickstarer campaign for the 3D-printable Neptune MK 9 Spacecraft:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter