Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Westfalia Miniatures - The Third Breakfast Kickstarter

Westfalia Miniatures launched a new Kickstarter campaign for their Halfling army:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Westfalia Miniatures

Forge of Anaerian - Golden Age Starships Kickstarter

Forge of Anaerian launched their Golden Age Starships Kickstarter:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter

3D Alien Worlds - New Japanese Pond Preview

3D Alien Worlds published a new preview of their soon to be released pond:

Link: 3D Alien Worlds

Norse Foundry - Adventurers & Adversaries Kickstarter

Norse Foundry is running their Adventurers & Adversaries Kickstarter:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Norse Foundry

Knight Models - GenCon Exclusive Harry Potter Release

Knight Models announced a GenCon exclusive Harry Potter miniature:

👉🏻 Exclusive figures GEN CON (Gnarlak and Grifter) available in GENCON and in the webstore
Link: Knight Models 

Warlord Games - New Korea War Preview

Warlord Games announced a new set for their Korea War range:

Link: Warlord Games

Khurasan Miniatures - New 15mm Releases

Khurasan Miniatures released new 15mm Spanish and Italians for their later fourteenth century range:

Link: Khurasan Miniatures

IDW Games & Cool Mini or Not - Dragon Ball Z Tabletop Announcement

IDW Games and Cool Mini or Not announced a Dragon Ball Z tabletop game:

Leveraging IDW’s creative partnership with Toei Animation and CMON’s masterful work in game design and miniature production, Dragon Ball Z Miniature Mayhem will be a fast-paced, dice-driven, battle royale.
Players will get to create their dream “what if” showdowns as many of the iconic heroes and villains will face off against each other in an effort to determine who’s the strongest fighter in the universe. Stay tuned!
Link: Announcement on facebook
Link: IDW Games

Letiman Games - Adventure Tactics Kickstarter

Letiman Games is running the Adventure Tactics board game Kickstarter:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Letiman Games

North Star Military Figures - New Rangers of Shadow Deep Pre-Orders

New Rangers of Shadow Deep miniatures can be pre-ordered from North Star Military Figures:

Martin Ederveen - Charge! Kickstarter

The Charge! Tabletop Boardgame for Space Ship Fleets Miniatures Kickstarter has launched:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter

LOOTGames - Scatter Collection Re-Run Kickstarter

LOOTGames launched a re-run of their 3D-printable Scatter Collection Kickstarter:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter