Thursday, January 31, 2019

Red Dog Minis - Kickstarter Ending Soon

The Sci-Fi Tank Sponson Turrets Kickstarter is ending soon:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Red Dog Minis

Grey Fox Games - New Previews

Grey Fox Games published new previews of their upcoming game:

When the moon crashed into the Earth, a group of wild boars in the forests of Korea were one of the species most affected. A small splinter that landed there caused dramatic changes, mutating them rapidly to give them dexterous hands, an ability to stand on two legs, highly increased intelligence and a thirst for revenge against humans that had hunted them.
Link: Grey Fox Games

Harlequin Miniatures - New Goblin Kickstarter

Harlequin Miniatures is running a Kickstarter campaign for new classic Goblins:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter

Kromelch - New Release

The twin-turret version of 7TP tank is now avaliable:

Link: Kromlech

Scale Bro - New Skull Set

A new skull set is available from Scale Bro:

Link: Scale Bro

LoreSmyth - Epic Ship Battle Maps Kickstarter

LoreSmyth is running a new Kickstarter campaign for RPG gaming mats:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: LoreSmyth

Puppetswar - New Orc Wheels

Puppetswar offers new Orc wheels in different sizes:

Link: Puppetswar

Krakon Games - The Grim Kickstarter

Krakon Games is running a new Creatures Underground Kickstarter:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Krakon Games

Hasslefree Miniatures - New Preview

Hasslefree Miniatures presents their second new demonhost:

Link: Picture on facebook
Link: Hasslefree Miniatures - Kickstarter Ending Soon

The 28mm sci-fi Knight House Engineer Kickstarter is ending soon:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter

Sally 4th - New ACP Release

Sally 4th releaseed the EDF Light Infantry armed with LAKW 1-56 Assault Rifles and mix of Otter heads:

Link: Sally 4th

Oakbound Studio - New Ratmen Kickstarter

Oakbound Studio is running their Deep Ones of the Powell Darks Kickstarter:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Oakbound Studio