Saturday, September 30, 2017

Micro Art Studio - New Bases

Micro Art Studio added new bases to their range:

Link: Micro Art Studio

TT Combat - New Industrial Structures

The Industrial Structures can now be pre-ordered:

Link: TT Combat

Warcradle Studios - Infernal Investigations Preview

Warcradle Studios presents the Infernal Investigations for Wild West Exodus:

Link: Picture on facebook
Link: Wild West Exodus

Mad Robot Miniatures - New Preview

Mad Robot Miniatures presents a new picture of their upcoming horses:

Link: Picture on facebook
Link: Mad Robot Miniatures

North Star Military Figures - New Frostgrave Preview

The Renaissance Troll published new details about the first expansion book for Frostgrave ghost Archipelago:

So, the game has not even come out yet, but I wanted to let everyone know that the journey into the Ghost Archipelago is not going to end with the Nickstarter. In fact, early next year, Osprey will be releasing the first supplement: Lost Colossus. This supplement contains ten new scenarios that have the Heritors racing around the Lost Isles, looking for the broken remains of a once great statue. So, if you are working on your terrain collection, you might want to think about getting a giant hand…
Link: The Renaissance Troll
Link: North Star Military Figures

Ramshackle Games - Mini Gangs Skirmish Kickstarter

Ramshackle Games is running their Mini Gangs Kickstarter:

Mini Gangs is a new rule set from Ramshackle Games that combines ease of play with great strategic options resulting in a quick game with loads of depth. Its ideal for short club games, for playing a campaign and for getting begginers into tabletop battle games.
Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Ramshackle Games

Cool Mini or Not - New Rum & Bones Releases

New Rum & Bones releases are available from Cool Mini or Not:

Link: Cool Mini or Not