Thursday, July 31, 2014

Statuesque Miniatures - Birsi Bearsson Release

Statuesque Miniatures added a new Statuesque Fantasy Adventurer to their range – Birsi Bearsson:

A dwarf berserker of fearsome reputation, Birsi claims he was raised by a she-bear alongside her cubs. Few would dare question his account, even those who grew up with him.
Birsi Bearsson is available in two versions. First up we have Birsi armed with his favoured twin axes. Next we have an older, more experienced Birsi armed with a finely-wrought great axe and magical ring. Down which dark dungeon did he find those fine weapons?
Link: Statuesque Miniatures 

Hawk Wargames - New Resistance Preview

Hawk Wargames presents another preview oft eh Resistance:

Link: Picture on facebook
Link: Hawk Wargames

Heer46 - New Tank Previews

Heer46 announced three new 1/100th tanks:

 Object 704

Link: Heer46

Oathsworn Miniatures - Kickstarter Ending Soon

The Oathsworn Miniatures "Clan McFiggin Dwarf Brewers" Kickstarter is ending soon:

Break! Fantasy Flight Games - Onslaught at Arda I Preview

Fantasy Flight Games published a new article about the upcoming Star Wars Age of Rebellion Adventure "Onslaught at Arda I":
Even as it allows players to explore the galaxy as members of the Rebel Alliance, Onslaught at Arda I opens new avenues to characters who have been living on the fringes of the galaxy, ducking from the Empire, and trying to outrun their pasts in the Star Wars®: Edge of the Empire™ roleplaying game. This can mean that your Age of Rebellion character might exist alongside your friends’ Edge of the Empire characters, or it might mean that your Edge of the Empire character gains the opportunity to grow and mature, to give up his self-serving ways, and to fight for a cause that’s greater than himself.
Link: Fantasy Flight Games 

Rebel Minis - New 28mm Goblin Previews

Rebel Minis presents new pictures of their 28mm Goblins:

Link: Rebel Minis

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Runecast Miniatures - Hungry Dwarf Swordplayer Preview

Runecast Miniature presents the 5th of their Dwarf Swordplayers:

My newest Swordplayer shows this to full extent. He is somewhat "stronger of build" compared to his unit mates which might be the result of being unable to resist a quick snack even when battle is nigh to commence.The helmet is a triple-ridged burgonet, for the rest of the armor I focused on a more realistic approach compared to my first Bidenhänder Dwarfs of the Command Group.That leaves me having to sculpt one more Swordplayer to reach my goal of 6 troopers for my Bidenhänder elite unit.
Link: Runecast Miniatures 

Gregster's Lab - 6mm Terrain and Miniatures

Gregster's Lab offers 6mm terrain and miniatures:

Arriving later in August from the 3D printers, I will have a whole new range of items ready for resin casting. Custom walker weapons, scrap tank turrets, Sigma Star Systems buildings, roof details for the previous buildings and perhaps more.
Link: Gregster's Lab on facebook 

Spartan Games - Tarakian Patrol Fleet Preview

Spartan Games presents the mew Tarakian Patrol Fleet for Firestorm Armada:

Link: Picture on facebook
Link: Spartan Games

Break! GCT Studio - New Rise of the Kage Previews

GCT Studios presents new artworks and the board for their upcoming Rise of the Kage game:

A highly detailed and beautiful piece of art by Jack Eaves. This is a 24x24 inch square board, the game gains replay-ability based upon the starting decisions of both ninja and guard players.
Link: Pictures on facebook
Link: GCT Studios

Dark Age Games - Warknight Captain Preveiw

Dark Age Games published pictures of the Warknight Captain:

Link: Picture on facebook
Link: Dark Age Games