Saturday, February 29, 2020

Footsore Miniatures - New Release

Footsore Miniatures added Æthelflæd, the Lady of Mercia, to their range:

Anvil Industry - New Regiments Releases

Anvil Industry added new options to their Regiments range:

Link: Anvil Industry

Monolith - Kickstarter Ending Soon

The Conan: the Conqueror Adventure Mode Expansion Kickstarter is ending soon:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Monolith

Great Escape Games - Greek Mountain Gun Preview

Great Escape Games presents a new picture of their Greek mountain gun:

Link: Picture on twitter
Link: Great Escape Games

Adventurers & Adversaries - Wave 2: Modular RPG Miniatures

Adventurers & Adversaries is running the Wave 2: Modular RPG Miniatures Kickstarter:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter