Friday, May 31, 2019

Reaper Miniatures - New Promo Miniature

Reaper Miniatures announced their promo miniature for June:

June's Reaper Bones Black promo model is Garghuk the Ogre Chieftain! Starting June 1, 2019, you'll receive a free Reaper Bones Black "Garghuk, Ogre Chieftain" miniature for each qualifying order of $40
Link: Reaper Miniatures

Khurasan Miniatures - New 15mm Previews

Khurasan Miniatures published new previews of 17th Century French and a new starship Captain:

Link: Pictures on facebook
Link: Khurasan Miniatures

Tabletop Gaming Mats - Kickstarter Ending Soon

The Kickstarter campaign for modular RPG map tiles is ending soon:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter

Mini Monsters - Children's Day Sale

Mini Monsters announced a new sale:

Children's Day Promotion!!!
Use code: KID and get 20% off ALL MODELS
Valid: May 31 - June 02, 2019
Link: Mini Monsters 

Rubicon Models - New Munitionsschlepper IV Ausf F Previews

Rubicon Models published new preview pictures of their Munitionsschlepper IV Ausf F kit:

Link: Pictures on facebook
Link: Rubicon Models

Battle Kiwi - New Incident Objective Room

Battle kiwi added the Incident Objective Room to their range:

Link: Battle Kiwi

Brigade Models - New 1/1000th Terrain

Brigade Models added U-boat bunkers to their 1/1000th scale terrain range:

Link: Brigade Models

Empress Miniatures - New 28mm Chinese PLA

Empress Miniatures released two new sets of 28mm Chinese PLA:

Link: Empress Miniatures

Baueda Wargames - New 15mm Fortified Roman Camps

Baueda Wargames offers new 15mm semi-permanent Imperial Roman fortified camps:

The Plastic Soldier Company - Battlegroup D-Day Pre-Order Offer

The Plastic Soldier Company announced a special offer for Battlegroup D-Day pre-orders:

On general release, 22 June 2019, but pre-order now to get your copy before everyone else and get a free 15mm or 20mm Sherman M4A4/Firefly tank sprue. Plus every pre-order gets entered into a prize draw
Link: The Plastic Soldier Company

Ninja Division - New Releases

Ninja Division released new Super Dungeon x Relic Knights Masterclass miniatures:

Link: Ninja Division

Micro Art Studio - New Infinity Holoads

Micro Art Studio released a new version of their Infinity holoads:

Link: Micro Art Studio

Break! Mongoose Publishing - Sea of Thieves RPG

Mongoose Publishing released a Sea of Thieves RPG:

The Sea of Thieves Roleplaying Game includes:
Book of Pirates: Your introduction to the Sea of Thieves, with a complete Voyage that will teach you everything you need to know about pirating. You’ll be sailing the Sea of Thieves within minutes of opening the box!
Lore of the Sea: A nice weighty tome that shows Gamesmasters how to run games and create Voyages, and what treasures and terrors await pirates on the Sea of Thieves.
Book of Voyages: A complete campaign for the Sea of Thieves that will have pirates questing for the Ashen Jewels…
The Sea of Thieves Poster Map: A giant map of the Sea of Thieves showing every island in the game.
Pirate Ledgers: Six cards that show what your pirate is carrying and how close they are to becoming a Pirate Legend.
Supply Tokens, Weapons Cards and Quest Cards: Everything a pirate needs to sail a ship, fight enemies, and bring back huge hauls of treasure!
Link: Mongoose Publishing 

MaxMini - New Desert Dwellers

MaxMini added the Desert Dwellers heavy weapon team to their range:

Link: MaxMini

Titan Forge - Kickstarter Ending Soon

The Raid on the Temple of Serpents Kickstarter is ending soon:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Titan Forge

Puppetswar - New Anubis Heads

A new set of Anubis heads is available from Puppetswar:

Link: Puppetswar

Akaro Dice - Kickstarter Ending Soon

The Pony Bowl Team for Fantasy Football Kickstarter is ending soon:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Akaro Dice