Sunday, December 27, 2015

Public Service Announcement - R&R

Hello everybody,
I'll go on rest & recuperation for a couple of days, so most likely no updates. Hopefully I'll use that time to re-organize my bookmark selection so I can be more efficient next year ;)

All the best,

Mantic Games - Crazy Box Offer

Mantic Games offers a new Crazy Box:

You know how we like to do things at Mantic - loads of models for your money. Well, the Uber Crazy Box takes it to the next level, it's truly utter madness in a box. It's a simple enough concept; we take a box and cram it with goodies from across our ranges, then slap a hilariously low price on it! It's a random selection of miniatures and added extras that will give you a little seasonal reminder of what Mantic's all about - and about 50% off RRP!
Link: Mantic Games

Mad Bob MIniatures - New Tanks

The TACAM-R2 and the Panzer 35(t) are now available from Mad Bob Miniatures:

Link: Mad Bob Miniatures

Armies Army - Sale Announcement

Armies Army is having a sale:

Thats right
the Mrs has just gone out to the Boxing day sales so to help pay for it....Im offering 15% off all of my sci fi range! :) (My cold war range will have its own offer when I release my infantry very soon)
Simply use the coupon aascifisale15 and you'll get 15% off your order.
This deal will last until the 24th of January :)
Link: Armies Army

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Raging Heroes - Boxing Week Sale

Raging Heroes announced a new sale:

Boxing Week has hit the Raging Heroes online store and we're offing 15% off all orders with the code NOWYOUSEETHEM15!
Link: Raging Heroes

RNEstudio - New Krampus

RNEstudio offers a new Krampus miniature:

Link: RNEstudio

Hasslefree Miniatures - Specia Offers

Hasslefree Miniatures announced new special offers:

Yup, everyone who makes any kind of order while we're closed will get a Christmas Present from Hasslefree. We'll try to match it to your order but if you like you can make sure you get the right genre by mentioning it in the comments section.
Every order will get something, even if you just order a sheet of stickers or some bases. Why? Because we're awesome that's why!

Every night at 7pm GMT our FB page will be updated with a new item for sale. Tonight there will be 1 of that item, tomorrow 2 of the next item and so on.
(If something proves particularly popular it may make a return, a la the items in the song)
They will be a mix of pre-release metals, pre-release resins at a special price and limited edition items. Obviously the smaller numbered days will be the rarer items.
The Grinchy little twist is - First Come, First Served. First people to reply to the FB thread, PM us via FB or email us will be alloted one of the items.
Link: Hasslefree Miniatures

Warlord Games - Dr Who Zygon Preview

Warlord Games presents a Zygon for the upcoming Dr Who tabletop game:

Link: Warlord Games

Mark Britton - Kickstatrter Ending Soon

The "Little Soldiers of the Great WWar" 15mm Kickstarter campaign is ending soon:

Link: Campaign on Kickstarter

Friday, December 25, 2015

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays, everyone!

I hope you all get some new toys ;)

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Anvil Industry - Dark Exo-Lord Offer

Anvil Industry offers a Dark Exo-Lord:

This weeks conversion, put together by Adam, uses our tactical scopes to create the hilt of a pair of red laser swords, for which we cast some rods in red resin! Combined with our Robed legs and torso and a hooded head we think this makes a pretty sweet conversion.
Want to try it? All parts on 15% dscount for 2 weeks until 6 January. We don't sell the red rod, but you can make it out of anything suitable, and paint whatever colour you like!
Link: Anvil Industry

Skullduggery Press - New Artworks

Skullduggery Press published new artworks:

In order: Death Guard Anti-Vehicle Weapon, Death Guard Plasma Flame Caster, Dark Legion Handheld Anti-Vehicle Weapon, and Dark Legion Integral Anti-Vehicle Weapon...
Link: Pictures on facebook
Link: Skullduggery Press - Free Shipping Fantasy Monsters announced a new free shipping offer:

We want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. While the weather outside may well be frightful we have something that will warm the inner wargamer in you. Live now and into January 2016 we have a new page on our website called 'Free Shipping Products' and everything you find on that page is shipped for FREE anywhere in the world. Selected codes which if you buy one its shipped free anywhere, if you buy three or five or ten or more its shipped free anywhere. If you combine items on the page then they will all be shipped free anywhere. However if you add any item not on that page you will pay our standard shipping as usual. This is a great deal and if it proves popular we may well keep it going in the new year

Trolls Under the Bridge - New Teaser

Trolls Under the Bridge published a new teaser picture:

And some sneak peek to new year at Trolls Factory... well one awesome 6mm tank, Necropolis Steel Warriors and more. And for bigger scale one Canoness.
 Link: Trolls Under the Bridge

Spartan Games - January Releases

Spartan Games announced their new releases for January:


Link: Spartan Games

Pulp City - New Preview

Pulp City published a new preview of Snieschinka:

Link: Picture on Kickstarter
Link: Pulp CIty

Warlord Games - Algoryn Bastion Skimmer Preview

Warlord Games presents the Algoryn Bastion Heavy Combat Skimmer:

Link: Warlord Games

Infamy Miniatures - Kickstarter Update

The Infamy Miniatures One-Shot Kickstarter unlocked its first stretchgoals:

With the backer total going past 100 I've added the two 54mm models from the Big Smoke 2015 series. And thanks to the total going past £3,000 each reward will have a print of the concept art added to it.
Link: Campaign on Kickstarter
Link: Infamy Miniatures

Mad Bob Miniatures - Amtrak LVT Previews

Mad Bob Miniatures announced a new line of Amtrak LVTs to be released in January, including waterline versions:

Link: Mad Bob Miniatures

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Exclusive! Skullduggery Press - New 15mm Silver Order Dropship Previews

Skullduggery Press sent us exclusive new pictures of their Silver Order dropship:

Here is the exploded view of all the components for the Silver Order Dropship:
It comes with both missile pods and "Buster" cannon gun pods. The engines and gun turrets are all designed to be used with Neodymium "rare earth" magnets - pretty sure something could be sorted out for the missile and gun pods too.
The rear tail wings can be mounted either upward or downward for diversity in design...
Link: Skullduggery Press